You are Enough

This Design speaks to our Christian identity it says You are Enough You are fearfully and wonderfully made You have a future and a hope You are chosen, Accepted, Redeemed and forgiven by Grace You Are Saved

Large Smiling Lady wearing plus sized pink shirt with You are Enough You are fearfully and wonderfully made You have a future and a hope You are chosen, Accepted, Redeemed and forgiven by Grace You Are Saved

Many women in particular struggle with feeling like they are not enough and nothing they do will ever work. Many men feel insecure and inferior to others around them. This design can really help to reinforce and speak truth into their hearts because in Christ we are enough, in our weakness He is made to shine through as our strength and hope. In 2 Corinthians 2 we are told that God’s Grace is Sufficient.

These Biblical identities come from

  • Psalm 139:14 –  I am fearfully and wonderfully made,
  • Jeremiah 29:11: – You have a Future and a Hope,
  • Ephesians 1:4 – He chose us in Him
  • Ephesian 1:6 – He made us accepted in the Beloved,
  • Ephesians 1:7 – In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins,
  • Ephesians 2:8 – For by grace you have been saved.

Designs are available on our Etsy store and link below for products on Reb Bubble


If you see another product on our Etsy store and would like to have this design on it like a water bottle or a sticker feel free to contact us today, we would love to help.

If you would like a shirt in a different colour check our page with colour variations for this shirt we would love to help you get your favourite colour if we can.

Identity Struggle

If you are suffering from depression or confusion about your identity it can be really helpful to read the Letter Paul wrote to the Ephesians once a day. It can really help and it takes less than 30 minutes. If you are feeling too down to read it yourself I have read the New King James version on one of my YouTube channels

Buy Products with this design on Red Bubble

#psalm139 #ephesians1 #ephesians2 #jeremiah2911 #bibleverse #christiandesign #ChristianDesign #ChristianIdentity #IndentityinChrist #YouAreEnough #fearfullyandwonderfullymade #futureandahope #Chosen #Accepted, #redeemed #savedbygrace #forgiven

About Gerowyn

I live in the Lockyer Valley in Queensland on a beautiful 10 cre property. I have 3 children 1 Beautiful daughter who is 27 and 2 boys who I Home Educate aged 14 (a budding author) and a 7 year old who is full of life. We all live on the spectrum and are a bit quirky and unique. We have 2 cats, a few goats and lots of chickens and better not forget the fish in the Aquaponics.
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