God Grant Me Serenity

God Grant me the Serenity to Accept the people I can not change The courage to Change the one I can and the Wisdom to Know it is ME!

Adapted Serenity prayer inspired by Dave Andrews who is well known for his compassionate ministry. God Grant me the Serenity to Accept the people I can not change The courage to Change the one I can and the Wisdom to Know it is ME!

I had a chance on Friday evening to meet Dave Andrews and hear his journey on showing broken and hurting people the love of God in broken and hurting places. He truely inspired me with some of his recounts of experiences through his life and how he has helped to build bridges and seen people set free. Dave Andrews is a mentor to Ash Bakers from Seed Beds who is based in Birmingham in the UK and has seen the area completely transformed and brought life and hope to people with know hope he focuses on what is strong in people and not focusing on what is wrong.

This design is inspired from what Dave Andrews shared with our group in a lovely little African restaurant in West End called Mu’ooz Eritrean restaurant which Dave actually helped and empowered the lady who owns it to start it when she came to Australia as a Refugee, if I remember correctly. It was delightful meal and I certainly recommend it.

This design is available for purchase at our RedBubble Store https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/161190318?asc=u

Jesus hands and feet, serenity prayer, adapted serenity prayer, Dave Andrews, serenity and peace, accept people, love people, courage to change, wisdom, prayer, Christian prayer, personal growth,

#Jesushandsandfeet #serenityprayer #adaptedserenityprayer #DaveAndrews #serenityandpeace #acceptpeople #lovepeople #couragetochange #wisdom #prayer #Christianprayer #personalgrowth

About Gerowyn

I live in the Lockyer Valley in Queensland on a beautiful 10 cre property. I have 3 children 1 Beautiful daughter who is 27 and 2 boys who I Home Educate aged 14 (a budding author) and a 7 year old who is full of life. We all live on the spectrum and are a bit quirky and unique. We have 2 cats, a few goats and lots of chickens and better not forget the fish in the Aquaponics.
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  1. Pingback: Adapted Serenity prayer | Janderra Designs

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