God is good

God is good even when life is not

There are many times in life that life is just hard and we feel like there is no way forward or no way out and that everything is going wrong… this is the time to be encouraged by the story of Job in the Bible and remember even when life is hard and all rotten God is still good and is still on the throne.

This design is available is different fonts: 1, 2 and 3 as well as different colours: black, red, blue, green, orange. If there is a font you would like or a different colour text or background get in touch and we would love to help.

About Gerowyn

I live in the Lockyer Valley in Queensland on a beautiful 10 cre property. I have 3 children 1 Beautiful daughter who is 27 and 2 boys who I Home Educate aged 14 (a budding author) and a 7 year old who is full of life. We all live on the spectrum and are a bit quirky and unique. We have 2 cats, a few goats and lots of chickens and better not forget the fish in the Aquaponics.
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