Feel the fear and do it anyway

Fear can be paralysing and cause complete inaction. But feeling fear doesn’t need to stop you! Carry this design with you as a reminder to feel the fear and do it anyway.

I used to struggle with extreme self doubt and fear from past failures as a child with dyslexia and always struggling to achieve at school and struggling just to pass. This is one of the phrases I learned on my journey through university where I managed to achieve many High Distinctions and achieved beyond my wildest dreams because I felt the fear and did it any way.

Get your today

This design in available on our RedBubble Store on lots of different products ranging from t-shirts to throw pillows and many other items

It also comes in different colours green, yellow,  bluepurple and redcontact us if you would like a different colour.

Below is a small sample of available products with this design.

If you have a design you would like to see on one of these products or you would like help setting up your own RedBubble Store reach out and contact us .

About Gerowyn

I live in the Lockyer Valley in Queensland on a beautiful 10 cre property. I have 3 children 1 Beautiful daughter who is 27 and 2 boys who I Home Educate aged 14 (a budding author) and a 7 year old who is full of life. We all live on the spectrum and are a bit quirky and unique. We have 2 cats, a few goats and lots of chickens and better not forget the fish in the Aquaponics.
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